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Braised Greens
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Right after the birth of one of my babies, I became severely anemic and had to build my blood volume quickly. A doctor (who threatened transfusion!) watched over me through the process and so did my midwife who gave me a protocol of chlorophyll, blackstrap molasses (A LOT), and a bunch of other things. It became difficult for me to get the molasses down as often as I needed to, so I made up this shake. I thought it would be at least palatable, but it ended up being super delicious and a real boost to my health. A few days later, I tested my iron with the midwife again and my levels were great! The doc didn't believe the test results because it happened so quickly and he made us do it again in his office. The results were the same and he was astounded. If you need an iron boost, this is your shake!
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Melissa Chappell
the guilt-free way to take pleasure in food again, enjoy gourmet recipes with a conscience, and learn to heal yourself with a wholeness approach.