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I tested a couple different ways of doing these nuts before I finally settled upon this perfect combination. After that, I couldn't stop making them! They are so delicious. The sucanat is perfect in this recipe because the molasses content really lends itself to the caramelization that happens when all the goodness boils together. You can also use different nuts or a combination. I noticed that softer nuts like walnuts and pecans cook up a lot faster, so have a tendency to burn. If you use these, go a little shorter on your oven time and watch them closely. You can also use macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, etc. Enjoy!

this video was sponsored by:
Naturopaths without Borders

I have had the opportunity to work with Naturopaths Without Borders in Haiti on several occasions. I was so impressed with the sustainable approach to humanitarianism that they take, I practically begged to join the board.

Their "Medika Mamba Program," for example, is one that literally takes a child who is on the brink of starvation, to a healthy weight in a matter of weeks. Please consider supporting a child through the program. It's much less expensive than you may think and will not just better a life, but will save a life, bringing joy and gratefulness to the child and his or her parents.

sucanat sources
This show's recipe uses SucanatĀ® (which stands for Sugar Cane Natural), a whole unrefined sugar. You can usually find Sucanat at health food stores, or buy it online at the following locations:
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Melissa Chappell
the guilt-free way to take pleasure in food again, enjoy gourmet recipes with a conscience, and learn to heal yourself with a wholeness approach.