About ten years ago, I found myself needing to get out of a very bad relationship. I had work as a birth doula, childbirth educator and doula trainer. I had three very small children, however, and I wasn't able to take on the number of births I needed to make ends meet for all four of us to be able to live on our own. I remember sneaking away into another room, late at night, and calculating all my expenses over and over, trying to figure out just how many childbirth classes I'd have to teach to cover the rent, how many births I'd have to attend to pay for food and gas, how many people would need to register for my trainings in order for me to afford clothes and medical expenses and a car payment but I just couldn't make the numbers work. I needed something more. |
I come from a family of entrepreneurs and I always thought my birth work was my way of being an entrepreneur. Now that I needed to add a new source of income, I was at a loss. I had been to so many business trainings and literally grew up in the home of two entrepreneur parents. I kept telling myself over and over that I could figure this out. I knew the formula, the one I'd been taught my whole life:
Work you love + things that you stand up for + passion + hard work = financial stability and a life you love!
So -- I started there. I went over and over what I loved to do. I made a list. Birth, sewing, gardening, reading, and food were at the top of the list. I'd look at each of those and then make sub-lists of possible ways to monetize each one. I thought maybe I could grow flowers and sell them at the farmer's market. I started writing a curriculum for an online childbirth class. I considered teaching sex education classes to newly married couples and then when they were pregnant, they'd come to me for their birth needs! I thought about starting a business where I could somehow read books and make a living at it. I even {almost} roped my friends into starting a lingerie business with me, where the niche was that stay-at-home moms sewed all the products. I even bought some ribbon and lace and tried sewing some pretty panties for that one!
You may have guessed by now that what I kept coming back to was food. It seemed like the only sustainable and real thing I could make a living with.
And I was good at it. [continue reading] |